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I love my place of work..

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

...and every day I feel privileged to be here.

Jumping from Europe to Mexico, back at the end of March last year, was a big move. It was still peak Covid times, the vaccination was just starting to be rolled out (we hadn't had ours, yet) and

I left Spain not really knowing the next path my professional life would take.

I wasn't sure whether to set up my own company again, or to go back and work for someone else - something I hadn't done for almost 15 years.......and then, on the first day I was back in Vallarta, I was fortunate to be offered the sales job in Mandarina.

Here is a little piece I posted on LinkedIn about it.

Salta, y la red aparecerá* (English below)

Hace un año, cerré la puerta de la casa en Madrid y tome un vuelo de regreso al Pacifico Mexicano, donde había empezado mi carrera en real estate años antes. Llevaba conmigo cuatro hijos, el marido, diecisiete maletas, dos gatos negros, y un Bulldog Ingles.

El confinamiento en Madrid había sido largo y tuve un malestar general con la ciudad, ganas de volver a vender real estate que no fuera proyectos mios - y una ganas tremendas de estar bajo el sol Mexicano. Al llegar aqui dia uno, me ofrecieron este puesto y diaro que llego a mi oficina me siento verdaderamente agradecida que 'salté´.🧡 Viva México!

Leap, and the net will appear - A year ago, I closed the door of the house in Madrid and took a flight back to the Mexican Pacific, where I had begun my career in real estate years before. I took with me my four children, husband, seventeen suitcases, two black cats and a recalcitrant English Bulldog.

Confinement in Madrid had been long, and I felt a general malaise with life in the city, a desire to go back to selling real estate other than my own projects - and a longing for the Mexican sun.

On my first day back I was offered this job and every day I come to work feeling tremendously grateful that I made that leap. 🧡 Viva Mexico!

* John Burroughs

Leap and the new will appear (Burroughs)

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